Vegan Varsovia

Tasty Warsaw
Tasty Warsaw

Slowly, ever so slowly we are all coming out into the open after months and months of lockdown. Community life is re-starting and the ties that bind society are ever so slowly re-forming. Green shoots of optimism have been seen sprouting around the world and we’re all eager to re-connect with each other.

One of the things we have learned, a key take-home, and important take-away is the need for well-being. The term cuts across many areas: physical health, mental balance as well as ecological equilibrium. Well-being affects both ourselves and the nature around us.

Parks, recreation areas and restaurants are re-opening but now we’ll have one eye on nature. The good news from this part of Europe is that people intent of dining out in style will have lots of opportunities to do so in line with their sense of ecological responsibility.

Veganism, semi-vegetarianism and flexitarianism are sweeping the globe. So much so that the good people at Lonely Planet and Happy Cow have compiled a list of vegan-friendly cities across both Europe and the world.

Happy Cow puts Poland’s capital city in a very tasty sixth position just after London, New York, LA, Berlin and Toronto. Alternative Travelers, on the other hand, places Warsaw in a more delicious fifth place. So with the world opening up, Warsaw offers an enticing ecological alternative for foodies.

Lonely Planet | Happy Cow | Alternative Travelers

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